Earendil Cattery
Our KittensBronzina

British Shorthairs come in a wide range of colors.  We specialize in blues, whites and tabbies.  Both sexes make good pets, so it depends on which sex you prefer and how much you interact with them.

We would like our males to weigh between 12 to 16 pounds and females are smaller.  We do not guarantee the weight of our kittens at maturity.  If size is an important factor and you are looking for a kitten to weigh 18 to 30 pounds (minimum of 3 yrs), please ask the breeder for a money back guarantee. 

Our kittens come with a health guarantee and a requirement that the kittens be spayed or neutered. We do not declaw our cats nor do we allow our pets to be declawed.

Our cats or kittens are not allowed outdoors.

For information, contact:

11426 Sierra Hwy. 
Agua Dulce, CA 91350
(661) 268-0697
email:  thart76515@aol.com

Additional contact:

Laura Ramsey
34 Los Coyotes Dr.
Phillips Ranch, CA 91766
(909) 620-4096
email: blucitadel@aol.com

Whaddya mean, SMILE?
4 month old blues
I'm gonna be a heart-breaker when I grow up!
4-month-old cream
Pretty soon I'm gonna be big and gorgeous!
6-week-old brown tabby
Camera?  Pose?  What's that mean?
Isn't this fun??
I'm tuckered out, guys.
One of our kittens relaxing at the show
Say ... what's that???
Hey, what's that, Scott?
Doesn't every kitten hang out in a flower pot?
3-month-old, "potted"
Do I HAVE to wear this hat??
Do I HAVE to wear this hat??
I'm just a little bas-kat.
Yeppers, I am just adorable!
Oh, hi there!
4-week-old blue
Look - it's Thora, with that camera again!
Look - up there:  it's a bird, it's a plane!
Hey - the milk container is on the other side!
Mom and 3-week-old baby
Georgyporgy as a baby
Georgyporgy as a baby
LibbyMoms and Dads Pets and their OwnersRoxanne
GabyWorking Cats Show SuccessesMenfreya
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